
“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


91¿´Æ¬Sixth Form Applications Now Open!

Home Learning Guidance


Signing in to your school email account

  • Username: school email address
  • Password – the same as you use to log in to any computer in school

Accessing Google Classroom

  • Go to
  • (Alternatively, you can download the Google Classroom App on a mobile phone)
  • Access your classes using the three bars on the left-hand side
  • Teachers will be setting work using Google Classroom. You will receive an email when you have work set.
  • Work set by staff can be accessed through Google Classroom.

Different types of work on Google Classroom

  • Lots of different work can be set on Google Classroom. This can include quizzes, videos to watch, other web links to use and documents to complete.
  • The work set can be marked and feedback given to you. You can also message your teacher to get vital feedback on how to improve.
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Study Skills Guide for Parents

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