Zero Tolerance
At 91¿´Æ¬Partnership Trust (WPT), we strive to build a strong relationship with students, parents/carers, families and members of the community to help create a safe and stimulating learning environment for our students.
In order to ensure the safety of everyone, WPT operates a zero-tolerance approach towards violence, aggression or harassment towards our employees, Governors, Directors and volunteers. We will always support victims and will not hesitate to take appropriate action against those who act abusively.
The vast majority of students, parents / carers, families, external visitors and members of the community display consistently positive and respectful behaviour towards our employees, Governors, Directors and volunteers. However, on rare occasions these individuals may be subjected to violence, aggression or harassment.
As such, WPT has a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of our employees. WPT also accepts that it has a moral duty to its employees, Governors, Directors and volunteers to protect them from harm.
We define violence, aggression and harassment as any incident in which an employee, Governor, Director or volunteer is abused, intimidated, threatened or assaulted by one or more individuals in circumstances arising out of the course of their role with WPT. This applies whether the WPT employee, Governor, Director or volunteer is on or off duty and whether they are on or off WPT premises.
We also class physical assault, verbal abuse, online or cyber abuse and harassment, sexual harassment and bullying as behaviour that shall not be tolerated towards any Trust employee or volunteer. This list should not be considered exhaustive.
Individuals displaying this type of behaviour need to be aware that it could lead to prosecution.
To ensure the safety of all WPT employees, Governors, Directors and volunteers, we will conduct regular and suitable risk assessments in relation to violence, aggression and harassment. Risk assessments will be kept under regular review and updated as necessary.
All schools within the Trust will also ensure that risk assessments are undertaken where required. This includes the removal of any risks or where removal of the risk is not possible, reducing the risk by any necessary means.
WPT expects all parents/carers, families, external visitors and students to act in accordance with the Zero Tolerance Policy and to support and reflect the Trusts and school’s ethos and values through their behaviour.
In any situation in which an individual or group is behaving inappropriately, a report will be made to the schools Headteacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team who will decide on the most appropriate course of action. Instances of inappropriate behaviour can be managed in a variety of ways, depending on the severity of the situation.
The Trust will endeavour to deal with all situations internally, but will take appropriate steps to inform the police if deemed necessary by WPT.
We look forward to working with all our students again this year and hope all students, parents / carers, families, external visitors and members of the community are able to follow the Zero Tolerance Policy to ensure a safe learning environment for everyone within the Trust.